RAs will inspect all rooms on their hall at a time designated by the resident director to check the health and safety of the room. This will occur every two months in all residence halls. This check ensures the safety of the residence hall and occupants and is not to be construed as a room search. Specific points that should be checked include the sanitary condition of the room, prohibited items (appliances, candles, alcohol bottles, etc.), indications of pets in the room, food left open to attract bugs, mold and mildew, broken outlets or light fixtures, fire or safety hazards, etc. Any problems not caused by the resident will be reported to 台湾swag Facilities by ResLife or through QR codes on the backs of doors as appropriate.
If any residence life staff or facilities staff member enters a room, suite, or apartment and encounters conditions that may challenge health & safety standards, the residents will receive written notice (via email) that another health & safety inspection will occur within 24 hours.
Residence life encourages all residents of suite or apartment style housing to create and post a cleaning schedule for bathroom areas (and kitchen areas for Owen Hall). This will allow the residence life staff to understand who should be accountable for unsanitary conditions.